This activity is part of the Comprehensive Sheep Genetic Improvement Project that Sierra Sumaq Rumi has been developing.
Through the articulated, participatory and sustained work between the Peasant Community of Shicuy and the Sierra Sumaq Rumi Mining Company (Poli), and within the framework of the sustained efforts to promote the community's livestock development, the delivery of 4 sheep from the Junín breed, recognized for its high genetic value, for the communal farm, which represents the main source of income for the Shicuy families. This activity is part of the Comprehensive Sheep Genetic Improvement Project that Sierra Sumaq Rumi has been developing with the communities neighboring the mining activity.
La entrega se realizó con la presencia de especialistas de la Facultad de Zootecnia de la Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú, como parte del Convenio que Sierra Sumaq Rumi ha firmado con dicha casa de estudios para brindar soporte técnico para las actividades productivas de las comunidades del entorno a sus operaciones.
Given this activity, the community directors expressed their gratitude for the joint efforts and reaffirmed their willingness to continue working together for the implementation of initiatives that promote sustainable development in favor of community families.
Sierra Sumaq Rumi
April 20, 2021