+511 710 0300


Av. El Derby 055 Torre 1 Of. 301, Santiago de Surco

+511 710 0300


Av. El Derby 055 Torre 1 Of. 301, Santiago de Surco


Mining sector: What are the projections for 2022?

The inefficient management of the COVID-19 pandemic, added to the constant political uncertainty, affected private investment in the mining sector. It is up to the State to reverse this situation in the short term.

As a mining country, Peru has stood out as the second world producer of silver and copper, as well as being the third in zinc production. In Latin America it is the first producer of gold, tin and lead, and the second in molybdenum. This positioning is possible thanks to the Andes mountain range, which runs longitudinally through our territory and is the source of the mineral deposits that we produce for the whole world, within a regulatory framework that encourages investments in the sector.

Due to the economic policies of the last governments and the COVID-19 pandemic, by 2022, production will be sustained by the economic reserves obtained in the exploration and geology campaigns carried out in the pre-pandemic. The products that will be exported the most will be copper, silver, gold, tin, zinc and molybdenum. The reduction of investments in exploration will have a negative impact on production in the following years.

In turn, the financial problems of the giant Evergrande have generated a crisis and real estate instability in China and in the world financial system, added to the inflationary pressure of the US economy. In our country, this situation will affect the mining sector and the non-metallic, also known as industrial minerals, such as travertine marble, diatomite (we are the first producer in South America), bentonite and borates. How to reverse this situation?

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