+511 710 0300


Av. El Derby 055 Torre 1 Of. 301, Santiago de Surco

+511 710 0300


Av. El Derby 055 Torre 1 Of. 301, Santiago de Surco


The CC of Shicuy and Sierra Sumaq Rumi (Poli) develop joint actions in favor of the livestock development of the community

The activities are part of the fulfillment of agreements reached for the benefit of more than 200 community families

Through joint and articulated work between the Peasant Community of Shicuy – located in the District of San Juan de Jarpa – and Sierra Sumaq Rumi (Poli), a series of actions are being implemented aimed at consolidating the livestock development of the community, its main economic activity. The actions carried out include the delivery of veterinary supplies, the joint management for the development of animal health days for the dosage of antiparasites and vitaminization for sheep, and the donation of male sheep of the “Junín” breed for the genetic improvement of livestock.

In a first stage, the delivery of veterinary supplies used to combat diseases such as Fasciola Hepatica, as well as for the treatment of parasites, was completed, after technical assistance to determine the needs of the cattle. In the same way, two breeding male sheep of high genetic value were delivered to the community farm of the CC de Shicuy from the SAIS Tupac Amaru, with the aim of achieving long-term genetic improvement. Finally, in joint work between the Regional Directorate of Agriculture of Junín, the Agrarian Agency of Chupaca, the UNCP School of Zootechnic Engineering, the Community and Sierra Sumaq Rumi, 2 days of dosing antiparasitics and vitamins to sheep were carried out. reaching 3700 head of cattle, located between the places of Apuhuay and Pishupampa.

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